003 A New Medium

New year, new goals.

Graham Kinsinger
3 min readJan 5, 2017

When I was a freshman in college, I blogged every single day. Often it felt like extra homework that I was imposing on myself, but it was worth it for a few reasons:

  1. It was simply the best way to keep in touch with everyone. Sharing everything helped readers stay informed, and even made for more engaging conversations as a result.
  2. I was able to process my days in written form. It was a therapeutic exercise in both memory and writing. Not everyone will, but I enjoyed the creative challenge of telling each day’s story uniquely.
  3. I have a digital record of everything, not just highlights, from my first semester of college. Though it wasn’t my intent at the time, the most fascinating part to me as I look back at the blog is simply the minutiae of what it meant to be an 18-year-old kid on his own for the first time.

I tried blogging on one separate occasion, but it never really became a habit. However, as we move into 2017, I’m taking another look at what it means to keep in touch, process my days, and have a digital record of life’s moments.


Last year I wrote somewhat of a 2016 manifesto with three goals*, and this year I wanted to challenge myself again. So without further ado, 2017 is all about video.

Though I have a lot of experience in writing, graphic design, and other creative mediums, I have yet to explore video deeply. The other day I found Rachel’s camera from college that had been gathering dust, and the idea sparked. Skipping the steep buy-in cost of a camera, I grabbed extra batteries and memory cards and am a bona fide vlogger!

So at various times this year, I’ll be capturing days, trips, or moments from my personal point of view via video. Video ticks all of the above boxes that I enjoyed about blogging, and even exceeds the written word’s ability to show viewers the people I’m with, the places I’m in, or the things I’m doing.

The video is below, so please take a look and let me know what you think! Any and all comments regarding content or process or methods are more than welcome, I’d love to hear your suggestions. Before diving in, here is a nice opening to a new chapter, as written in my second blog:

Welcome back! When I say ‘Welcome back,’ I’m speaking both to you and myself. It seems weird that my first blog, obthunder, was so long ago. And yet, wasn’t it just yesterday?

Throughout these past few years and countless changes, some things have remained the same. Rachel and I are still best friends, I’m crazy about my family, and I love playing soccer. I stay up too late sometimes, am a music junkie, and will forever support Manchester United (sorry, dad). Thanks for being a part of my journey and taking an interest in what I have to say. I’m excited about the new experiences waiting for me this year. I can’t wait to share them with you again. Welcome back.

Attempt number one at sharing my day via video. Stay tuned for more!

*I didn’t exactly ace last year’s resolutions, but I promised an update, so here you are: Read More (3/10), Write More (2/10), Cut the Clutter (10/10). And it’s more about the journey than the destination, right?!

If you want more on the Kinsingers, Rachel penned our Christmas card and there is a fun Q&A at the end.



Graham Kinsinger

Iowa boy doing Seahawks Digital. Husband to Rachel, dad to Maisie. Momma's boy. 🕊️